
Maybe sales is about ASKING TWICE.

Only those who bother to ASK TWICE deserve your money.

sri 10 years ago


You know Your Destiny now. !RECITE I ACCEPT MY COMMISSION Balance conquers the world MAN: FINISH WHAT YOU BEGIN. USE HER: she is dead until you do poor girls who don't fuck me i really am sad for them YOU NEED THE GLORY, MAN. You have discovered a point?
Learn it by DOING it once. Extend your knowledge into action through will. You are now pure YIN, so YANG IT OUT MAN Knowledge leads to closeness. The Bad Brains read these books too, obviously. With this book, reading as a phase ends. YOU ARE A WILL SAGE. ACT ON YOUR WILL. NO SLOTH. NO REGRETS. Work for greater Will. Exercise Supplements DARE with GIRLS Go where you Will. YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR WILL YET, SO IT IS ALWAYS FUN TO FIND OUT :D YOUR ACTIONS ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE "INCOMPLETE". Necessarily formless. Have a positive attitude to fill in the gaps. NO FAME JUST POSITIVE CHANGE FOR MONEY AND GIRL. WILL is "wisdom". Get an ADVANTAGE. Be SPONTANEOUS to have the SURPRISE and LEADERSHIP edge. Get and KEEP leadership through following, then leading. NO MORE VACILLATION. no likes or dislikes No habitual desires Not mixed up with things No lust for fame No sorrows or delights No changing of self No lust for gain anymore The Way of Will Is Your Only Ambition. WILL TRANSMUTES FEELINGS. AND FEELINGS TRANSMUTE WILL. There is not enough good in life now. What is the girl's wish? :D The Sage making her lust, then making her act. What gets a girl horny? music man energy a girl knows what makes her horny, so ask her. All girls are in harmony now, but BORED. They all share the same will and intelligence. They know themselves. What applies to one, probably applies to all. The Sage gives a girl HIS time, not vice versa... so act like you're careful about time. The Sage does the FIRST THING ONLY. No desires or wishes. No greed. No scheming. No resentment. This makes the male will in his efforts greater. Prepare all things upfront. Consistent and clean in word and deed. Reason breeds comfort. natural duty accord timeless status leisure wealth action AND THE GIRL DOES ALL THE REST. the GIRL gets a greater reward than You. The girl acts on impulse. The girl is burdened by affairs. The girl lets her intellect rule her. The girl makes plans and schemes. The girl goes from needless to addicted. pleasure emotional belonging/roles sensual Society is less chaotic now. Go only when there is no other alternative. Save girl souls. Be sane, baby. Girl is, so You ebb. What is her wish? Judicious use of Will Only. Never belabor girls with uselessness. You Will to Realize Nature (girls) Your Will will be Welcomed. Never constrict Your Will. Yang is Always Right. She can Only ACT with You. You are Writing a New Qu'ran with Me. The Will is the Treasure of Your Mind. Will Cannot Co-Exist With Sin

sri 10 years ago


You have a duty to sell what you make. It's that simple. You see a sales opportunity where others see nothing at all. It's all yours. Just stop being a wuss about it!!! Act, Arjuna. Win Draupadi with One Shot :D You picked the right target already. The root guarantees victory. Your product is the basis for your communications. Cultivate reasons why your buyers depend on your product. Breed your own little avid fans. Measures have been decided. You will succeed right where you are. Your aim is true. Your DIGNITY. Be grateful for perfect Will Aim.
YOU HAVE ALREADY WON. Doc Karma is Invincible. ATTACK! YOU DEMAND JUSTICE FROM MIMI NGUYEN. You will fight them to the death. You will fight for sales from her. You just haven't committed yet. So start at zero. Only your capabilities will survive the fire of your immolation. Parachute in with a backpack and make a million with sheer will to do so. You haven't sacrificed your other options yet. Your riches are actually burdens. Helping X do Y since Z. Your buyer makes a choice which always originates from your suggestion. Put money to work for you and that makes you look awesome to your buyer. Make sure it's fun or you won't get your buyer to do it. Transcendence is WISDOM, so make your suggestions WISE and WILLFUL. Swiftness, like lightning! Synthesize the large body of vague feelings about your product into a sharp little pitch. Training equalizes you: now you can sell, too. Some folks sell hotcakes, and everyone else buys from them. You can only sell what you know can be sold. First gain MASTERY... Then earn VICTORY. FOLLOW ME TO CERTAIN SALES VICTORY. The feeling of certain victory is key to making it. You are out to make a change in your buyer's ways of operating and thinking so you must be totally confident about what you are suggesting. You will place your product in your buyer's world and what will happen? Why will your buyer come to depend on your product? What makes your product more comfortable for your buyer than the situation now? TRAIT WATCH. Interconnect with caring consumers. Precise media planning. Compelling creative materials. Your buyer only sees what you communicate. Your buyer sees ALL that you communicate to ANYONE, though. Your buyer is "psychic" about what is going on with you and makes guesses. What you do backstage is the key to success and surprise because it's invisible to your buyer but gives you leadership in a coming situation. Your buyer is waiting for your transcendence, or bridging the gap to her from you. You are only communicating the dregs of the total experience.
"This is in your interest". You find what is like hotcakes in whatever you are now selling, and sell THAT. Your product is a demand accumulator. Demand is orgone the lust energy generated by the market for products like yours. If your product were to sell itself, would there be any real need for you anymore? Your product is not yet selling itself, therefore you must $ell. It's easier to disrupt a ZOMBIE PRODUCT. Forget everything else for a little bit. A sale begins when you sense a buyer with a dream in her eyes and a reward in her heart. This is your ability to sense a sales opportunity for your hotcakes. It's all in the WAY you do it. what you understand what you want what you feel what you do backstage your wisdom and will your flexibility and fun attitude "You can blame me it's OK" Every sale is a SHIFT. Make them feel what you feel about your product. YOUR value of this book is INFINITE. The MARKET'S value of this book is right now ZERO. The MARKET will feel what I feel about this book, soon. Don't let the market make you feel anything about your product. Transcend with Aristotle. Get your message through to them. Deliver actual logos. Stimulate. Contrast the reward of your product with the absence of this reward in your buyer's situation. RISK is a FEELING.
You diminish risk feeling and boost reward feeling with your efforts towards your buyers. So let's shift the buyer towards you from here on out rather than you trying to impose yourself on your market randomly. Let's focus on $ALE$ for once. instead of this vague "marketing" or "branding" or "strategy" or "leadership" attitude oozing from every other business book Pay Heed $ale$ is the key to longevity. JUSTICE is more important than PROFIT. YIN>YANG is the core of my book. YIN FOR THE WIN. Sellers make efforts for $ales, and buyers seek harmony through their actions. Sellers that are selfless. Selflessness training. You help your buyers recover the way. When your buyer is lost you can help most. Think slow, act fast. From the seller's MIND to the buyer's HEART. You want from the heart, and you act from the mind. Your buyer wants from the mind, but acts from the heart. What is the sequence of actions you want your buyer to take? EVERY REAL BUYER ACTION BEGINS WITH THEM MOUTHING OR OUTRIGHT SAYING THE WORD "YES". If you are not getting a yes from what you are asking your buyers, ask for something else instead first. Therefore, you decide what the buyer will feel before you make an effort. Long-term aims of a satisfied buyer, not just a single sale event. Your product is a magic talisman the buyer will worship often. You articulate the value of your product into words, images and sounds. You convey the value of your product by causing your buyer to take your words, images and sounds to heart. You can provide a talisman of your product as a nucleus around which ownership of the whole product will eventually manifest in the buyer's heart. No pressure; let time pass. Get it right the first time. You are only out to achieve a tiny win at first. Studying gives you the advantage of a feel for the future consequences associated with the range of possible buyer actions in the present and the range of possibilities your buyer can enjoy in the future. Sales is a process punctuated by events interleaved with apparent delays. You guide your buyer through this process. You know one or two things about the process your buyer has yet to discover. Sales is education and training when you want to make more sales and not just one sale from a given buyer. The more things you know about the future, the more potent your sales experience for the buyer, and the deeper your buyer's loyalty. You celebrate and anticipate future events the buyer will experience. The right timing is obvious to both buyer and seller and always comes after a period of apparent inactivity. You want YES-MOMENTUM to build up in the heart of your BUYER, not you. You want your BUYER to take actions. YOU make EFFORTS; your BUYER takes ACTIONS. Make efforts -> Take actions. SEE WHAT HAPPENS :D When you make a demand, is it commanding? You know when you are commanded to do something; you do it without thinking, intuitively knowing it is the right thing to do. You know when someone is demanding you to do something; you resist doing it because you feel you are being made to do what you don't need or want to do right now. When your mom and dad ask for you to come home, that is "commanding" and you do it intuitively, of course you come home right away. When your email tells you to pay attention to some wack bullshit, and you resist, you label that advertiser a "pest" because they are demanding of you when you don't want it. If you ever DO need that something in the FUTURE, however, and they HAVE desisted, you will be tempted to take a closer look because you have been made aware of the product at least. Surprise is inherent to sales or it wouldn't happen. Strategic. Invisible to others outside the cell. Abstract. Consequences. Articulate the consequences of your efforts. Articulate the consequences of your buyer's actions. Spontaneous. Deliberate on one side. Situational. Delightful for buyer. Obvious effort from seller to trigger reciprocal action. You will do more next year than you will this year because you will have money and a buyer base by then, so take notes for your future self next year. So let's get that cash and those buyers right now to prepare for the big moves you'll need to make this time next year. Your buyers want to participate in your future successes. You are on the threshold of the future when you can feel it today. You are the key leverage point for the success of your sales.
Improve yourself, and you have improved each and every component of your business. Get more in tune with your gut by any means necessary. When you go with your gut you always get it right so get your gut going. Trust yourself at all times and you will inherit the market from whoever has it now. When you are on point and you know it, you tend to demand more and get more because you command more. Commanding means you have inherent authority as you ask so you get what you ask for. Demanding means you articulate what you want, and the person you are asking makes an assessment of whether your inherent authority is sufficient to be commanding with your demand. Be prepared, and you will convey to your buyer that you have inherent authority. Know what you are after both overall (the sale!) and immediately (one more yes!) Scout for more opportunities to get yes momentum going. Your feel for the lay of the land is what gives you inherent authority as "guide". Because you are a guide in the mind of the buyer, the buyer will continually update you on the situation as it evolves. You trust your guide or you stop following, so guide conscientiously and know that each follower is truly beginning to trust you and your suggestions. Your best guess is probably correct. Sales is intuitive. Base your intuition on FACTS wherever possible. You are the initiator of intuition. Because you initiated, you know the conclusion expected, while the buyer must imagine. When you initiate boldly you come across as knowing how things will turn up (a win-win, of course). Your suggestion left standing (unretracted) over time becomes a fact within the mental landscape of the client. Your buyer goes with gut feelings and backs the decisions up with reasons that inevitably echo the ones you've suggested. Making sales is inherently ethical because it represents an equalization. You begin with something special that you believe buyers need. You meet a buyer and find out how well your product matches what they're seeking. You encourage them to continue seeking while you improve your product. When you encounter your buyer again you are ready to close and the buyer is ready to buy because the shopping phase is now finally over. What you do in service of your buyer is the means by which buyers will be rescued from oblivion. You want the buyer to sell themselves, so you must eventually withdraw your sales effort after making it clear what that sales effort is intended to accomplish (the sale). You crystallize your commands into word formations that make it easy for the buyer to take on the tasks inherent in the overall sales process that you must do at the outset to set the course. You make orders. You make suggestions. You suggest feelings. You suggest actions. You make plans. The buyer promises to act, and follows through. If the buyer fails to act, let the buyer feel guilty so they will definitely act the next time you command. The buyer feeling guilty makes your next demand more commanding. Eliminate your ghosts and you will gain buyers. Appreciate the consequences of the purchase of your product for buyers. Your buyer will have to make changes to accommodate your product. Your buyer will have to turn rivals down. Your buyer will begin with certain characteristics which your product will transmute to their opposites. Reluctance to enthusiasm is all in the mind, even though the two are at extremes. The irony is that the strength of the buyer's initial resistance corresponds to the buyer's ultimate enthusiasm for the product. Initial resistance is an indication of future potential enthusiasm. Your sales effort is the trigger for the buyer's examination of what such a switch might feel like. Your buyer will mute interference to your message over time as you learn to communicate only what is likely to generate new enthusiasm for your product. Sales thrives on TIMING. Your ability to surprise your buyers rests on your sense of timing. Timing is a function of your empathy for your buyers and the situations they navigate. You know your product and the situations within which your product has served buyers well in the past. You recognize patterns among various buyers in the market which resonate with the success stories of the past. You guide your buyer to a feel for a "next world" where your product has made a few key changes and life is far better. This kind of guiding can best happen when you suggest, then withdraw and let the buyer do their own imagining. Brandish the sword of $ales. Shoot arrows of desire. You know the reward, and your buyer will find it out from you. Stop any and all trivialities, and other than $ales, it's basically all trivialities. Feeling -> Expression. Expression -> Transcendence. Transcendence -> Buyer Agreement And Action -> Harmony Unify your customers and use the strength of your buyers. Help them see the possibilities of unity. Make your buyers feel stronger. Your buyers without your product are hungry cold and desperate. STATEMENTS ABOUT FEELINGS ARE INHERENTLY TRANSCENDENT!!!!!! Clarify your intentions. Harmonize their enjoyment and yours. Get buyers to express ideas about your product to the market. Get buyers to feel strong. Principles of Invisibility Transmute. That which is conceptual is all in your mind and subject to your will to change it. Polarity and extremes. Analogy. Metaphor Sequence Tarot Wireless Keyboard Objects in the real world that correspond to spiritual concepts. Flexibility. Strategy. One goal over time/space. Adjustable Speed Slow it down. Sense Think Resolve Do Speed it up. 3x speed makes boring stuff fun Silence. Stealth. Mute the stuff you don't want to hear. Work. Joy. You are willing to make $ales like hotcake$. % market share = your social impact.

of salesmen

of smallbiz

it WORKS! guidance counseling consultant brainstorm session it's TIMELESS! Was your motivation shot? No longer. Get REVENGE. On your own demon of sloth. An Angel of Action. Prove your Genius with $ucce$$. What do you really want the book to do? Get me motivated. No longer on strike. No longer spoiled by family. My old fame is now rendered obsolete. You were not willing before to take the risks it would take to earn a car with which you could've dated way more women. At the risk of never seeing you again, you know that you need to earn money with a book right now, in your gut. EARN YOU A NICE VOLVO. I WANT MARKET SHARE. CHARTS. $ALE$. SYNERGY WITH A !segz All people have Motivations Objectives Interests They are just a bit burnt out because the last thing they tried didn't work.

sri 10 years ago

more good notes

Grok. To drink. PRECISION. Man is grokking. The Father is the Will. You will give commands and directions to a girl or market. What goal? How to find your way to the goal from anywhere Getting the goal will be awesome. DISCERN WHAT THE OCCASION CALLS FOR. Target who will say yes? segments uses insights Initiate Navigate Influence Maintain A poet's job is never done. Hermeneutics helps you with all the work your brain does DECODING the non-transcendent bits in the works of past genius. You may misinterpret You may semi-interpret You may fall in lust for a bit you DO understand Hitler Clarity = correctness fallacy What you don't pick up because you are intimidated by it Pyramids of skulls What you miss What you never read because you are not guided to it but that you need to understand a reference Generate intellectual capital. Generate Will Capital. You Are Content With The Decree Of The Will Of God As It Emerges From Your Own Mouth, Are You Not? Oh Yes. You Are Willing To Get Her. You Are Willing Together. $$$$$ & ♥♥♥♥♥ Your Will is Clarity. Your Will Evokes Potential In The Hearts Of Girls. You are the Higher Will 999 SOUL ---> The Will Of God You Address Lower Will 666 MIND With The Tech To Dominate The World 333 BODY One of these days you'll grok the need for $ale$ and this is your KOMPASS. Thou art God. God groks. Grokking is Willing, not just "understanding". The observer moves into the observed. Keep on Grokking me baby. She must Will me, not vice versa. Girl scans her scene for a man to align with who supports her goals. Girl scans her scene for other girl forces to assess their motives and even undermine their goals if zero-sum. The guns of Hollywood. Will takes the heat out of action. Heat is the stress. Like water takes heat out of weed smoke in your bong. Life is 3d, or 6d, not 2d, like the matrix. The Will Of God Blesses You With Yet More Will. Brave Men Run In Your Family. The Executive Is The Only One Who Wills. Will Elements -> Will Reaction -> Formation Of Will Molecule. ELEMENTS are a good word for Will. You Will pull a $ucce$$ful PR trick after Amazon gets HOTCAKE$. You're to renovate a backwards society with your Will. The Yoga Of Will. You And Your Will Is Pure Potential Limited Only By Your Imagination. You Are George Patterson With Hannah As Cassidy. The Self Is Only Will That Emerges From Identity And Situation. action collaboration movement protest build talent change transmute Speak to me, girl. Man predicts what girl will do. How she will think. Linear Surprise Speak Simple Complex Understand Symbols Commands Metaphors Calculate Strategy Math Act Autonomous Command Reject Direct Indirect Response Direct Indirect Working Groups Plan Hunt Fight Remember

sri 10 years ago


  • To integrate parts of the TAO of SALES into the MAGIC book.
  • To learn to sell... at least to remember how to sell.
  • To contextualize a SALE into a MAGIC trick.
sri 10 years ago


the TAO of SYNERGY You are the one with the grasp of the whole process, not the buyer. This gives you the obligation to lead. You have a feel for what you seek, first… you are in charge here. When you meet her you know you have found her in your gut: invisible feelings. The transformation of SYNERGY is: seller: POWER male principle: SENSING buyer: AWARENESS axle: MISSION Inspiration feels amazing. $ales ought to feel amazing. Therefore, $ales should be made inspiring. Participation means roles. You want a REWARD for your actions. If you get no rewards you will move on. you ought to feel CONFIDENT because in this book, YOU are the one shopping. You know what you and your product offer: a relationship with potential. You sell potential to your buyer because she is out to make her own future, not yours. Across: the TAO of ATTRACTION (book 7). You attract through conveying a willingness for synergy with buyers. the TAO of OPTIONS You make an assessment of potential OUTCOMES for the BUYER from an interaction. The transformation of OPTIONS is: seller: POTENTIAL male principle: PROFIT buyer: VICTORY axle: AGREEMENT You have a duty to formulate options for your buyer. You know what you offer can be confusing to a new buyer. You feel like many buyers who own your product aren't getting what they ought to like out of it. Make the buyer aware of her duty in whatever form. Notice things. You must avoid FIXATION. Across: the TAO of INTERNET (book 8). You convey the power of your option set to buyers through making internet content. the TAO of GOALS Lower your ambitions to raise your chances of success. Your main goal is going to stay fixed of course. You break the path to your main goal into tiny, achievable goals. What makes a goal "achievable"? Ideally you do not need the buyer to achieve a goal. For instance you could set a goal of improving your own product to meet the needs of a certain new buyer segment you have identified. The transformation of GOALS is: seller: PAIN male principle: SILENCE buyer: FOCUS axle: MISSION Here is where LOVE is the main GOAL. You want your product to find a happy home, not just make you money. Quality rebellion at affordable prices was a great mission statement. Appropriate. Your reward is a function of your goal. Steady aim is the key to achievement. You want eternity so avoid dumb displays of power. STEALTH IS WEALTH be appropriate silence to other friends about your goals your silence is her surprise potential. EVENTS are good outcomes of goal brainstorms. You develop a psychic sense of the circumstances a buyer is undergoing at any moment, flashing instantly on her situation as you perceive it, leading her into forming a relationship with you psychically. Across: the TAO of DESTINY (book 9). As you articulate your GOALS you give her a feeling of DESTINY. the TAO of ETHICS the transformation of ETHICS is: seller: POSITION male principle: VIRTUE buyer: BRANDING axle: TRUST Across: the TAO of ASKING (book 10) When you have secure ETHICS you have the right to get to ASKING. You are noble because you have zero ambition to use your buyers at all. First, become invincible.
When you come across as INVINCIBLE, the buyer feels a sense of security around you. Unclear ethics will kill your promotion tactics. You are after a heart to heart. Communicate justice. Communicate clarity. Make the buyer sense you are enjoying peace. Virtue gives you an open heart. An open heart gives you a license to act. Do not act unless you have a license to act. Peace. Clarity. Avoid all sins. the TAO of TACTICS the transformation of TACTICS is: seller: PHILOSOPHY male principle: FOCUS buyer: CATEGORY axle: STRATEGY Across: the TAO of SATISFACTION (book 10) When you have secure TACTICS you have the ability to SATISFY. Discern what the occasion or circumstances call for. $ales = Speed/Balance.
Keep to the root. Fundamentals. Transcendent outreach. Dealing with stresses she causes. Power through philosophy is eternal and universal. Respond like echoes to her issues. the TAO of PRODUCTS the transformation of PRODUCTS is: seller: PROJECTS male principle: STRENGTH buyer: AWARENESS axle: STRENGTH Across: the TAO of KNOWLEDGE (book 10) When you have secure PRODUCTS you have KNOWLEDGE to share with buyers. The FLAWS MODEL of product assessment $ales is based on PRODUCTS which are crystallized WILL and are TRANSCENDENT. Products GOVERN. Create a product system whole product - not just yours usage experience everyone needs your product at some point in life CATEGORY thinking Your ASSETS are your real wealth. the TAO of ATTRACTION the transformation of ATTRACTION is: seller: PROMOTION buyer: CURIOSITY female principle: SITUATION axle: ATTENTION Across: the TAO of SYNERGY (book 1) When you want ATTRACTION you make the buyer sense SYNERGY. The buyer is shy. She feels lust. She has a dream. She is disturbed by her situation. You want her curiosity to go up. You know what is good about you that is transcendent to all buyers. This phase is about attracting ALL buyers, not so focused yet. You need to filter towards her and have her feel that… that's books 7-12. The buyer feels a burden from her situation. The buyer is full of sensing; she is all eyes. You must feel NO FEAR. Lay in wait as a fun thing for a buyer to play with. the TAO of INTERNET the transformation of INTERNET is: seller: PITCH buyer: SHOPPING female principle: HOPE Behind each search on Google is the HOPE an answer exists. axle: INTEREST Across: the TAO of OPTIONS (book 10) When the buyer is on the INTERNET you have the right to give her OPTIONS. The buyer will get fixated on your product as you create awesome content for her. Your content must stimulate the buyer. This is still non-transcendent - all buyers are your target, though you can filter more. What is appropriate to communicate? Logos Pathos Ethos KAIROS IS UP TO THE BUYER!!! The buyer is susceptible at this point. The buyer is afraid of corruption. The buyer may feel ENVY of other buyers. The buyer is blinded by other sellers here. Rivalry is key here. Keywords are key here. Articulation is power and it is free to do so let's do some. the TAO of DESTINY the transformation of DESTINY is: seller: PITCH buyer: DECISION female principle: HUNGER Behind each landing page visit is the HUNGER an answer exists. axle: DESIRE Across: the TAO of GOALS (book 10) When the buyer feels DESTINY you have the right to articulate her GOALS. The buyer is now exploring the IMPLICATIONS of your product. You are a conduit to a better future for the buyer. The buyer is assessing her circumstances. The buyer occasionally echoes what you imply. Go for memorability. You are getting more transcendent to her specifically. "She's the one for me." The buyer wants her reward now but balances that against her other options. The buyer does not want to get locked in, but actually needs to get locked in. The buyer craves authority. The buyer asks her friends. The buyer says "I miss you". You distill the thirst and lust in the situation to get her moving. the TAO of ASKING the transformation of ASKING is: seller: PLAN buyer: TIMING female principle: AMBITION Behind each $ale is the AMBITION towards a rad future. axle: ACTION Across: the TAO of ETHICS (book 10) When the buyer is ASKING you respond by underscoring your ETHICS. It's human nature to say YES. Her GREED is something she wants to slake. She feels AMBITION to use the product and you. She feels PERIL that responds to your PEACE. If it's not ON, then it's OFF (horseshoes). Get the BUYER to ask. Make an explicit offer. Make a suggested implicit offer (i'm going to this show, you want to meet me there?) Transcendent - short and sweet, get to YES and hold the buyer to it. She feels preoccupied with the YES she is being asked to give. Give your buyer a rational argument because she will fill in the emotions. This skin gets used most. Customize your pitch for your specific buyer as much as you can. the TAO of SATISFACTION the transformation of SATISFACTION is: seller: PRICE buyer: JOY female principle: STRESS Behind each first product use is the STRESS that you must handle. axle: USE Across: the TAO of TACTICS (book 10) When the buyer is after SATISFACTION you convey your masterful TACTICS. She will discover the ADORNMENT value of your product over time if you highlight it. Material possessions. She likes to multitask. Her sin here is EXTRAVAGANCE. She feels held, and she starts to feel love. SHE PAYS. it feels good! Ease is what she likes, to counter her stress. Status is what she likes. the TAO of KNOWLEDGE the transformation of KNOWLEDGE is: seller: SKILL buyer: VISION female principle: POWER. Behind each buyer/product synergy is the OWNING the buyer feels for it. axle: LOVE Across: the TAO of PRODUCTS (book 10) When the buyer has KNOWLEDGE you just give her the right PRODUCT. Riches: pleasure is what she seeks. She wants to OWN you. She is out for FULFILLMENT. There's only one crown. She is now an EVANGELIST for you.

sri 10 years ago


HOTCAKE$ sell fast; omelettes sell slowly. Sell the right thing. Are you selling hotcake$ right now? No? You can change your product or your pitch or your volume of pitching. You cannot directly change your market. You are dependent on RESPONSE, on the ricochet. If you are ACTING and not getting the RESPONSE of SALES, then you are wasting your efforts. Sales is a response to WEAKNESS in the buyer. Sales fills a HOLE or a DISSATISFACTION in the market. Hotcake$ sell because they obviously satisfy almost everyone, fast. Make it more obvious that your product satisfies. Articulate the weakness that your product satisfies. Define the buyer that your product would be able to satisfy, when. Make it clear your product satisfies FAST compared to other products. Make it clear your product does not dissatisfy unlike other products or the status quo. Show that you understand the status quo by showing up with your hotcake$ at the right second. When you sense HOTCAKE$ you reach for your wallet and you don't quite know why. HOTCAKE$ trigger a conditioned response. The future is not the past. You can stop selling what you are now selling, and sell hotcake$ instead. You need to stop rolling down the hill if you want to get on top of the hill again. You need your POTENTIAL back, and this is INVISIBLE.
others need your potential in general but not from YOU because they are JEALOUS. so abstract your potential into a PRODUCT and then YOU can stay hidden. If you are on top of the product hill you have something special and can throw rocks at anyone anywhere. Too many options slows down the machinery. Make the batter upfront and make it SPECIAL. Why not put something in the batter to make it a different type of hotcake? You probably do not have a sales plan right now, at all. Am I right? Therefore, you are blind to the force that created each man-made object you see. No object in capitalism exists that wasn't at a key point in its history SOLD. The very paint on your walls was sold. See the sale behind each object you see and everything makes a new kind of sense. If you sell nothing, you create nothing transcendent. If you work for a salary, you sell your time and expertise for "salt money". Your time and expertise are not HOTCAKES because they DO NOT SALE. Therefore, TURN YOUR TIME AND EXPERTISE INTO HOTCAKE$, NOT JUST A SALARY. SALES IS WILL: are you willing to earn a dollar from what you do? Maybe you aren't willing to earn a dollar from what you do: "it's art". Then read another book probably, or use "$ales" as a metaphor for whatever success you seek. There is no BS with sales - you either make one or you didn't, unlike horseshoes. SALES IS ALIGNMENT: alignment between your product and your market. You align your product with your market when you make $ales. You become the product you sell, acquiring its attributes, so sell the right thing. Only aligned communications ever get across. Are you promoting but nobody is listening? Then you are out of alignment. ETHOS: you are nobody to who you are talking to. PATHOS: you are not conveying a mood that others feel like mirroring back to you. LOGOS: you have nothing to say, but you are still talking. KAIROS: your timing is off; they have other things on their minds. When you communicate, it is always heard; it may be REJECTED, but never permanently. All ideas suggested echo around in the minds of those who tune in. The only protection against your suggestions is to not tune in. However, conformity is not sales: when you sell you are ROCKING THE MARKET with a new set of options. You demand consideration for your product or you move on realizing that market does not need your product right now. When you make a pitch and you get no response you must move on because you do not make a sale by forcing it. Your product does not change, so your buyer can count on it as a clear path back when she inevitably gets lost without it. Competition is not sales; it's sports! Whatever you are pitching is a unique offer to a unique buyer at a unique time with a unique mood. There is no san antonio spurs standing between you and your basket. What competes with hotcake$? There are substitutes but they are not as easy to make in bulk. Sales rules everything around you. You are already selling something and I want to help you sell more of it with less stress. You have something you ought to be selling, but you haven't thought about it as "selling" because you come from a dhimmi culture. You have nothing you can sell? Then you have nothing. So make some batter. What exactly can you start doing right now? You sell because you WANT to sell. You have not wanted to sell that badly, which is why you haven't sold that much yet. Wanting to sell is directly a function of how much time and how solid your plan (14.2). $ales is a FEELING, a MOOD. "You are the one for me" All of us WANT to FEEL, and can't RESIST a suggestion to try a FEELING on for a little bit. The stronger you can convey your feelings the more intense the $ales experience for any given buyer. Ideas are sold, or you don't have them. Every idea in your mind was sold to you at some point. Folks who can sell their ideas can build the future. When you have no idea flow, you have no cash flow. Fathers buy this book for sons. Love makes folks want cash, now, before it's too late. Love makes you want your loved ones to share ideas with you.
Share the idea of $ales with your loved ones. Love keeps you so busy that you don't want to work so you want your assets to be in place to do the work for you while you love first. FLOW for CASH. Your ideas are alive on their own and so you should respect them. Idea husbandry with $$$$$ as the goal. Apply your emotional flow time to the goal of making money from doing something creative. FLOW is a hip hop vibe: it's inherently FUN to $ell. There is FLOW behind each and every $ale... find it and repeat forever. Your product has a corresponding market. There are folks seeking your product right now, already. You can create your market just as you created your product. You can build the generation of a market into your product. You can generate a market through promoting your product. You can define a market before you create your next product. Your product fills a hole in the customer's heart. Knowing your buyer and the market that surrounds her gives you legitimacy when you suggest feelings and actions to her. Stasis is torment. When you push the envelope you feel excited to see what happens. You use ethics to make sure you are never ever perceived as a pest. When you are in stasis yourself you cannot change your buyer either. Move yourself and you move your buyers in response, organically. All buyers are watching all sellers for changes and shifts and pattern matches. If your buyer changes and you do not change then she will actually change back to you when she sees you again, with fierce force, because she will recognize herself as being alienated from who she really is the second she sees you again. You will feel relief when you find a way to work that actually makes $ales and not just a salary. This book is about a MOOD. Moods are contagious. Moods are addictive because you crave feeling good the same way you felt good before. Products generate moods. Situations generate moods. Situations are arbitrary. You can inject $ales into your current situations and see how that feels. A sale happens when things just feel right. You can make another person feel happy. All products contain feelings just waiting to spring on buyers. When you make one other person feel something, you have something that "works" and has an "effect". When other folks feel that same effect you have synthesized a pharmaceutical. Feelings are a type of time travel, will travel, will projection. You exist in reality then you try on what a different reality might feel like through visualization. Helping her visualize a different reality when she is with your product will motivate your buyer to make a trial happen to extend her feeling potential. Suggesting a new feeling potential is irresistible when you let her create her own echoes of that feeling through forgetting her for a different buyer while you wait. I'm trying to get a theory across, not just a history. Attitude is altitude. Translate your will into a series of commands in a book. You are commanded to learn how to $ell your own ideas. If success is an attitude, and attitudes are contagious, and you can feel that I am a success, then you can use this book to feel successful anytime you like. Some work is defined and grounded in your goals. Other work is in free flow. Sales takes TIME. This TIME is SUBJECTIVE, not objective. This TIME is a SEQUENCE, not a series of markers on a clock. You put a request in. You wait. You get a response (maybe). You make a response back, adjusting your pitch. You get a yes. You hold her to it. Success is secret. Folks see the results of your success, rarely how you got it. They see your LUCK but not your FORTUNE. Why read your fortune when you can WRITE your fortune? Open source means you can use any tactic anyone ever used because the results they got in response are historically clear. Nobody is after exactly the same buyer as you. Find out what your buyer is after, exactly, and become what she needs, and know why. Harness your complaints to invent new tools. Consider reading this book with a partner to thrive off each other. Fire up your anger at those who have attacked you and attached their parasitic wills to your original one. Denounce the fake punk attitude as a communist sham that only survives through American tolerance. You felt the censorship of Mimi Nguyen and know its underlying racism as the truth about oriental Asians, who think of you as "dirty". American cultural tolerance has made you loosey-goosey about money. ROI = Reward/Cost. This explains why you have no sale$ right now. The buyer is in a "before" state, which is perfect... with ISSUES. You want your buyer to know that your product will address her issues if she buys. You want your buyer to feel the fulfillment of the goals your product addresses before she buys it. Writing a book is a proper expression of my intense emotions against Mimi. Sublimation is the harnessing of energies towards better ROI. You need GOALS to achieve sublimation. You can plan for free. You must spend time and effort to achieve WORK. WORK + PLAN = ROI. You orchestrate change with a plan when you share it with others. PLAN + NO-WORK = MOTIVATION DEFICIT WORK + NO-PLAN = STRATEGIC DEFICIT Your dream is still unconscious. Money comes when you stop working for no-money. Working for no-money is slavery. You are a persona at work in order to fit in like a good cog in the machine. You are a slave to your fake interests. You get lost in camaraderie and never leave. Group karma is a trap of false good feelings. To sell something, you must have something different, towards which buyers can gravitate as they choose to change and evolve. You are cruel to your dreams when you abandon them for the dreams of others. Unless you heal your fake interests, more money would only make you double down on your fake interests. You must get to writing by channelling your emotions into writing instead of whatever else you're doing. Your emotions make you an artist or a monster. Your decisions about your emotions are therefore superior to your emotions only when you channel them. Don't get money and then go lose it, that's the worst. When you WORK on your PLAN you know what you really want and why, and that isn't "cash". Cash is only a means to an end. You must know the PRIZE. Your definition of the prize is not just a buyer, but a successful product use situation with the buyer. You build a plan of action with your buyer, not just a sale but the fun of using the product. Now you know what you want and are dead set on getting it. You attract good things because you are obviously in flow and everyone wants to flow too. Flow is contagious because moods are contagious (2.1). Buyers love products that help them earn more money or have more fun. You have a duty to make more money. Because duty is unfun inherently... ...making duty more fun is always a winner. Making more money can be fun if you harness it to FLOW. Are you having FUN when you are in "selling mode"?
How can you add more FUN to your sales system? What exactly would your buyers consider fun? A pile of cash is a powerful asset for your will but a huge burden for your duty. You spit out the wisdom you have stored up so you can learn something new and more $ales-sexy. You felt love, but it went away, and nothing remains.
Love is not transcendent without art. You must find what you love about your buyers. You can do something else with the love you feel for your buyers than just advertise. You are channelling the intense emotions into a relationship that will exist longer than you. You are rendering your desire to be loved by your buyer into a permanent infrastructure for the inevitable worship of a buyer for your product.

sri 10 years ago


YEEHAW! Who will feel lucky with me? Luck is social. We share our luck. To make a hard sell you must display enthusiasm. If you don't need your good luck, more for those of us who do. You've been on a hunt for good luck your whole life. You should create your FORTUNE instead. Reprogram your luck so you get luckier over time. Programmed to improve. How close you are! Luck is just the iceberg tip to fortune that everyone can see. Luck is a consequence of your steady drive towards fortune. You either improve, decay or stay the same. Permanent things must roll with changes. Work backwards from the REWARD. An EVENT leads to the REWARD. A REWARD leads to a set of CONSEQUENCES. After you have finished something epic, you look back at the results and go WHOAH. A set of FEELINGS leads to the EVENT. The FEELING of FREEDOM. Where in the body? the Hand? How to alter these? A REWARD that is REPEATED becomes a HABIT. How do you feel about your habits?
Avoid Regret With !thwort Your IDENTITY is viewed by others as a bundle of HABITS. You can EXPERIMENT with FEELINGS. You don't HAVE to feel a certain cliche way when something happens to you. Install a different thought! Install a different behavioral sequence that distracts you from the feeling. It's easier to practice now. Image of shame should get you back in grace. Try feeling something different next time. You USE your feelings. Take TIME to think about your feelings. Conscious thinking. Research. Try PLANNING what you will feel next time a predictable stimulus is pushed at you. Writing and editing and revising and delivering and selling these books is the only way for me to get balance. Writing keeps you sane. The world is flux. Writing is a constant thing. Your words are monuments to good ideas. You are beating your old shit right now, this is much better than anything you've ever done before. Your words, being transcendent and very useful to your future readers, are worth synthesizing. Your future readers include Eva and Augusta so do a solid job. Your words accomplish $$$$$ and ♥♥♥♥♥ Therefore, you are in balance RIGHT NOW. You are doing this book because you want to DO something to society. You want PROSPERITY which is an attribute of a society. You are creating your own microsociety with this very book. Change is sudden: neural pathways are constructed with new experiences instantly. Not the ideas you read, but your unique echo of the timeless ideas into your own context. Start with a solid idea Add your own situation Use your writing chops Subculturally attuned The idea needs YOU to skin it for your OWN kairos. (vishnu principle). TAO: stability. Critique pure reason: emotion is the basis for stability. Retrain your brain towards will. Will > action. Most actions we take are with a minimum of will. Add more will and you add fortune to your actions. You will your behavior and you get outcomes that take time to happen. All good things take time. Every wish must include delay by definition. FOLLOWUP is a FUNCTION of WILL, not ACTION. FOLLOWUP is when you get the good stuff. FOLLOWUP is a decent title for a book on its own, yeah? So go for it, but only after you declare you will go for it. Admit it: your definition of "luck" isn't just about $$$$$. Expand your luck beyond money. Capitalism makes us lazy. You have luck insurance when you make a plan. This is a book that makes you lucky. You need luck therapy. You only WIN BIG when you EARN SMALL OVER TIME (11.2). EIGHT S FRAMEWORK Soul Connects to the yin future Connects to the yang past Answers: WHY? Seeks pattern matches in the situation Lights up with joy at the fortunes of fables. Senses On the hunt for opportunity Able to gauge the odds and say yes anyway Connects to reflexes, which act without motivation if the situation is a pattern match to the strategy Situation Skills Space Strategy Style Spin You have gotten so lucky with close shaves in the past. You can depend on things working out when you are lucky. Writing a book of good and happy ideas is inherently virtuous. Virtue does good, but also FEELS good. When you are in the flux of virtue you are aware that you are irreplaceable and that you belong to the ages. Whenever you find this book, is KAIROS. SAVE GAME. Dear America: GAME ON. You need to let the cat out of the bag. This is a LUCK SPELLBOOK, or more like a WORKBOOK really. It's already DONE if it's a SERIES like MP Pandit. You're going to emerge from this book with SKILLS. Emotional management Communication and persuasion Opportunity radar Increase your sacrifice and you increase your willpower. However you are looking for success without additional sacrifice. So exert your willpower and avoid sacrificing anything. Don't just WIN BIG... EARN SMALL.

sri 10 years ago


FORTUNATE > LUCKY lucky > confident I am the hunter. Exercises unfold latent powers. Others see me as important. THEY draw the parallels. Tell them a story about SOMEBODY ELSE. Make her guess. No alarm bells. Good luck fills the gaps in fortune. The key question is HOW WILL I DO THAT? You are creative. Focused Effort + No Adversary = $ucce$$ every time Luck does factor so check the weather. LOCAL SUPERIORITY is more key than global dominance. You now have a way with words. Say Yes To Fortune. Text her what to feel, like "you feel like picking me up at lax today at 4"? I want her to X whenever I Y her. How would you use infinite good fortune? All life is the taking of chances. RISK OR DIE. Righteousness. Can't nobody stop the vibe we're feelin' right here. Make HER tell YOU a story. Get her to stop, think and write. Make her describe. Write longhand. How she relates to me. Why she behaves like that. What When How it feels Who she is. Inject a story in her through a third party about her own experience. I am the only one who can make you feel things. You need to work me. You need to study me. You need my help. ETHOS: YOU We store our memories in each other's minds. This is why we love to catch up with old friends and relive old times. This is why we love old songs and go back to Berlin. PATHOS: feel LUCKY! Get what you ask for! Ask for the right thing at the right time. You NEED your dream. It is NOT OPTIONAL. LOGOS: brainstorm constantly! While you wait for the TAO to spin. You can ask your unconscious mind how lucky would look Consciously make a plan to BECOME that Use your subconscious mind with triggers to form a new habit and become that lucky person.

Just add one simple step to the way you already wish. Wish for FORTUNE. Make it SOCIAL by sharing it. Break the ice with mutual cheers of GOOD LUCK. How likely are you to focus on your fortune NEXT WEEK like you are doing NOW? What are your perceptions about fortune? Mention their concerns. Fortune is a PROCESS, not an EVENT. LADY LUCK likes MAN FORTUNE. Make your stress go away with my words and presence baby. You first OPEN, then you BUILD COMFORT, then you TEST HER. She is your cutie. You are actualizing her inner cutie when you summon her. Hyper-articulate the REWARD. NEVER REWARD EARLY. Connect to a behavior she already does to make a request work. She doesn't like being celibate. She fears losing my attention. Abandoned. Robynn and Kelly: "aban!" IMAGINATION precedes WILLPOWER. WILL to IMAGINE. Imagine shooting hoops with each will you cast. Use ACCENTS when you speak to be remembered. Create an image in her mind and charge it with emotion. You know you feel special around me. Hot Luck Injection baby You need my confidence to shore up yours. Other than me, you are bulletproof. Danger baby other girls here love me too and I am the game. Enjoy water more: hold it in your mouth! AVOID THESE You sound old You sound stoned PERSISTENCE I know what I'm doing, baby. Either interview me or try without because you are lucky enough. Interviewing me is an advanced luck tactic. It is easy to be skeptical of luck, so watch me work. Originality breeds luck. Deep vedic hex on biters. A persona who gets lucky constantly is fortunate. Storyprompting Tribe Story editing Training Payoffs Commitment Slogans Refocusing others' persona on complementing mine. Talk out your brainstorms. Nobody wants to hear you, but you do. Emotions are involuntary! The reasonable request persuasion tactic. The site that acts on the most details wins. Thumb&firstfinger = i feel lucky mudra. LUCK comes from NEED. We are in control.

1 kindle book in the country!

That "is he PSYCHIC?" feeling is evidence of my attunement on you. Does my understanding of fortune match up with yours? Viral NLP bombs You also now know that it's even more powerful if you can get someone to... Looking at it this way, aren't you curious about... Let's say you have a mom with a story. Will you... Ask yourself tomorrow morning, "will I rule today?" You may have realized as you've been reading this book that the way to fortune is not easy but is fun. Just do what you have planned. You know what's next. You see a future others do not. Plan to shut up, too. LUCK vs FRUSTRATION. FRUSTRATION is what you need to sense to ask for LUCK and make FORTUNE. Defeat in this would mean what exactly? McLuhan smiles! All reading is hearing with your eyes. Target behaviors Buy the book Read Take notes Write it down longhand Accept Luck breeds luck Make guesses about the future So, if luck breeds luck, then GO TRIBAL with luck. She will submit and get your chain and leave now with you so we can make it now THE SOUL SYSTEM User Conscious Makes a plan Makes a system for habits Tries new things Decides among clear options Wants to do stuff before dying Wants transcendence Researches RAM memory Unconscious Knows the answers Articulates the heart Builds sense filters HDrive memory Subconscious Senses environment Acts on habits Turns plans into habits Technology Systems Sticks with decisions Integrates research Remembers options You recall all that you hear and little of what you see Prompts re-evaluations Filters out spam sense input Quick evaluation pattern matching Peripherals Senses Reading Reading what you just wrote Camera, mic, feelings Seeing what someone sent Indirect and involuntary vs deliberate Operating System Heart Burns with desire Burns with envy Full of potential Evaluates sense input

sri 10 years ago