
users menu

each note should be like tagged so it can be ordered in the menu and you can filter by user to see another user's public notes trail

sri 10 years ago

created a note up here!

hey whoa !!! you see how it's like a wiki. the idea is PERSISTENCE - your notes are UP somewhere for you to check out later.

sri 10 years ago

Distance Learning!!!

Get students studying in a commuter school in NYC. All taking notes on the same screen. Know stats:

  • total notes
  • leaderboard.
  • who has contributed how many notes.
  • filtering by how many notes.
sri 10 years ago


making a new metanote to show Jon!!!

sri 10 years ago

tag metanotes to google maps locations

take on yelp kind of - a drop pin shows up and there's ametanotes plug in where you see what everyone says about a place... CREDIBILITY... the people with credibility commenting on the space.

sri 10 years ago

just post shit to metanotes

it's fun!

sri 10 years ago