
Ayn Rand: Man Is An End In Himself

Why does man need morality?

The typical answer is that we must learn to deny our own interests and happiness in order to serve God or other people — and morality will teach us to do this.

Rand’s answer is radically different. The purpose of morality, she argues, is to teach us what is in our self-interest, what produces happiness.

“Man has,” she observes, “no automatic code of survival. . . . His senses do not tell him automatically what is good for him or evil, what will benefit his life or endanger it, what goals he should pursue and what means will achieve them, what values his life depends on, what course of action it requires.”

This is what the science of ethics studies — and what Objectivism offers. “Man must choose his actions, values and goals,” she summarizes, “by the standard of that which is proper to man — in order to achieve, maintain, fulfill and enjoy that ultimate value, that end in itself, which is his own life.”

sri 8 years ago

What is Scientology?

Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.

Scientology addresses the spirit—not the body or mind—and believes that Man is far more than a product of his environment, or his genes.

Scientology comprises a body of knowledge which extends from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these are:

Man is an immortal spiritual being.

His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.

His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized.

Scientology further holds Man to be basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself, his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.

Scientology is not a dogmatic religion in which one is asked to accept anything on faith alone. On the contrary, one discovers for oneself that the principles of Scientology are true by applying its principles and observing or experiencing the results.

The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom for all.

sri 8 years ago

I want this, but...

I just don't want to join anything, ever. I AM NOT A JOINER.

sri 8 years ago

No really, what do I want??

I want everything to continue to go perfectly well. I want to be safe and happy, inspired and achieving. I want my dad to be with, Happy and healthy and holy as always. I want freedom from concerned about my Financial situation. I want to I Have, be, and do anything I really want.

sri 8 years ago

Second session

It's now a few days later. I am cleaning up the house so that it will sell, Because if it sells then we can go to India et cetera. Nevertheless I met a girl yesterday I could go for because she was wearing a hoodie for a cool EDM concert a few years back in LA and that is dope. So we just started talking and she told me she was a waitress the Chinese restaurant across the street. I could totally go for her because I can totally be at ease with her and we would have stuff to do. Just imagine going to one of those concerts with a girlfriend for once. That would be amazing. There is something I want to do. I want to make her mine and have her sleep with me and all that good stuff. We will see what happens.

sri 8 years ago


sri 7 years ago

Ommwriter is great

My bluetooth keyboard reaches into the living room here in Bangalore. So I can just type into Ommwriter without looking. but then... where are you going to put all this semi useless ramble text? I am going to make a page for it.

sri 7 years ago

So what do I want?

It's obvious that I want more to happen. However, I'm also very satisfied with how life is right now. So my ambition to change things is someone low. It has been raining incessantly for months here. I just wish I could talk to my mom again, and it is difficult to make anything else matter that much other than helping dad. He wants to move to Bangalore. I don't have any wants at all it would seem.

I am so happy this platform works, with the dictation too. I'm amazed.

sri 8 years ago


This is just a great place to talk into my computer. The notes that I create here are Worth looking at later. They are also wonderful to printout. So now, I can do my thinking into a metanotes space, then print it out, and then be prepared for any meeting.

sri 8 years ago


Maybe it is my lack of desire that is my biggest obstacle. I honestly am totally satisfied with everything right now. Especially now that I can talk into the computer! frankly, everything that I have created at least works. Thank you so much John for keeping meta-notes working. Basically I don't think I really want much of anything other than the Continuation of my current happiness with dad and auntie.

sri 8 years ago


I could be fucking a girl tonight if I had gotten her number but

1) she wasn't quite hot enough 2) i am a wanker and not horny enough 3) i have indecision about whether i have time to hang out with a girl

but she was quite a nice girl, a girl i really could date, get to know etc

i blew it, she was just my speed, esp with this awesome music. this could be something worth pursuing, this EDM.

sri 8 years ago


Keep a journal so I can talk about where I am in relation to where I was.

sri 8 years ago


Oh my word. I would have bought dragon again, but all of a sudden it is built into the Macintosh operating system. And with the addition of meta-notes, now I have a place to put all of the dictation. Now, eventually, I want to publish books… I guess that would mean typing in Microsoft Word? It is likely that I could get dictation to work on the big Macintosh as well.

sri 8 years ago

Is dictation working? F2!

Is this working? Well, it might actually be working. That's amazing.

Am I ready to start talking out my book now that I can talk right into my Macintosh? There's something a lot more effective about talking into a real computer as opposed to my iPhone. This is a miracle. Thank you Apple. This is all I needed.

sri 8 years ago


It is very Zen to have no desires, but it is also why I am nowhere and will probably continue to be nowhere until I can start really firing up my desires

sri 8 years ago


sri 8 years ago



sri 8 years ago

The fire of desire - J Krishnamurthy

Why is it that all religions, all so-called religious people, have suppressed desire? All over the world, the monks, the sannyasis, have denied desire, though they are boiling inside. The fire of desire is burning, but they deny it by suppressing it or identifying that desire with a symbol, with a figure and surrendering that desire to the figure, to that person. But it is still desire. Most of us, when we become aware of our desires, either suppress or indulge it or come into conflict; the battle goes on. We are not advocating either to suppress it or to surrender to it or to control it. That has been done all over the world by every religious person. We are examining it very closely so that out of your own understanding of that desire, how it arises, its nature, out of that understanding, self-awareness of it, one becomes intelligent. Then that intelligence acts, not desire. Mind Without Measure, p 18

sri 8 years ago

It's time to rock.

Now the dictation is on, I can continue my quest. I'm not even sure what I want to talk about. Nevertheless, it is such a relief to be able to talk to this machine. Wow, it is already 2017.

I am 44 years old and I can finally talk to a computer.

Finally, the future is here. And it is implemented better than Dragon, because I don't even need a microphone it is built right into the operating system so presumably I can use it just about anywhere.

sri 8 years ago


I ought to quit wanking to gain fire back.

sri 8 years ago


Makes it fun to compute on my Air again, because the computer is now at the correct height! $10 !!!

sri 8 years ago


sri 8 years ago

no need for an imac yet

being able to talk into the Macintosh air is all that I ever wanted.

And meta-notes is the best platform for catching everything because of the thought persistence angle. When I get this house sold, I wish I could hire John to complete this amazing text platform.

sri 8 years ago

What is it good for?

What is thinking like this really good for? It's good for brainstorming. But what is that?

I still am confused as to how to turn this into something that has a clear usage model. The best way I can stated is that it might make me able to get results in real life.

sri 8 years ago

Totally amazed

It is so cool that I can talk directly into the computer now. I was on the edge of buying a new iMac, and spending an thousand dollars I didn't currently have, when I upgraded this Macintosh in now dictation works and I'm so happy. Plus, there's an opportunity for me to pay my student loans back in one chunk through this house, and dear Lord that can save me, I accept that.

sri 8 years ago


Krishnamurthy says GO FOR IT, your DESIRE is DIVINE, it is THERE because of a DIVINE WILL, and that sannyasis are LYING to say they are desire free.

sri 8 years ago

I will have earned it.

Just for fun, imagine that the house sells for 1.8 in one and a half months. Wow. That would be $230,000 or $270,000 more van what the Vietnamese people were going pay us. Wow. And it was my phone call to the car that God provided that led me to this second set of options which eventually one out. thank God we didn't take that Vietnamese offer the dad signed. we got so lucky we got out of that, that is how I feel right now, please God let me earn this extra money somehow.

sri 8 years ago

Isn't it a pity?

Here I am, sitting so comfortably on the edge of the rain. That is comfortable, aunt Maya is comfortable, And my father is comfortable. And now, Just when everything is finally set up. you're making our little group move. So we have to get compensated for that difficulty. And this is going to happen, I promise you. I have faith. Just look at this amazing platform for journaling. Only I am using it this way, Only me in the entire world. That's crazy.

sri 8 years ago


sri 8 years ago

Thank you mom

I am sitting here in the rain and we almost sold their house for so little money, and now we are planning to sell it for a lot more because there is no inventory in this area that is worth the name!

sri 8 years ago