
SOMA FM show?

ping Rusty?

sri 10 years ago

John Adams startup?

Can I get involved? Ping John Adams?

sri 10 years ago


  • Get to a feeling of stability and productivity.
  • Get rid of all of these annoying bills from LA.
  • Start new life up here in Fremont.
  • Happy parents.
  • Freedom to live and love and learn.
  • Multiple streams of income.
sri 10 years ago

Amazon job...

Email that friend of Dad to get me on the fast track for this one?

sri 10 years ago

kill american athletics bars!!!

i cannot afford that to bill me anymore, oh my fucking god. how do i get up with them to stop billing me and sending me these bars? please do this... Anguish!!!

sri 10 years ago

Finish FUN book

  • You've got ideas, why don't you create a book and make money?
  • This will be a good use of your time and all of those ideas.
sri 10 years ago

get tinyvox on track

you just paid fucking $3864 to doejo and that means it had better be fucking PERFECT and I don't quite know how to make sure. what's wrong with tinyvox right now? why aren't you enthusiastic?

sri 10 years ago

is wufoo billing me at all?

you aren't making a penny on that, so you must END IT NOW, ok???

sri 10 years ago

Take Jetta to VW Dealership

  • I need the key to work on the alarm and door system again meaning I need to get a duplicate made which works. I tried replacing the battery.
  • I need my front license plate attached.
  • I need my center armrest fixed.
  • I need my door plastic refastened.
sri 10 years ago

pennystockdream must die!!!

come on man !! end this... but NOT UNTIL THE VERY END OF JANUARY because you've fucking PAID for it again... that's fucking $60 blown unless you get lucky with them somehow...

sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago

Empty Jetta

  • Move stuff into your room
  • Last chance to find sandal
  • I pray I have my Machiavelli/Carnegie/Rousseau notebook in there
  • Get iPad mini back in operation!!!
sri 10 years ago

log in to greatstockpix chatroom!

you paid for a year of this and yet you have logged on zero times. wtf??

sri 10 years ago

where is...

  • my JBL Pulse??
  • my apple wireless keyboards?
  • my other sandal?
  • my machiavelli/carnegie/rousseau notebook?
  • my redball mouse for the toshiba?
sri 10 years ago

i want my bed replaced now

unless mom and dad want that bed of course. mom said it smelled? sorry then, give it back to me.

sri 10 years ago

shelve your books

you have a lot of them. and the USPS lost a whole box of them, how fucking tragic.

sri 10 years ago