
So I'm gonna have FUN with YOU.

Let me just say that you and I have a bond in FUN right here, right now, and I want to feel that bond too. Heck, it's 10:30pm on a Saturday night right now and I'd rather be writing to YOU than doing just about anything in the whole world. It'd be keen if I get out next weekend, of course, but what I've got to say is urgent enough that I can give up some of my time to bond with you over the insanity of A LACK OF FUN IN THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

sri 10 years ago

To share FUN is just too rare.

It's like there has been a LAW against having FUN with one another. There seem to be "rules that must be broken". Who made these rules? Can I speak with them frankly and tell them to FUCK OFF??? There ought to be invitations and parties galore and not some kind of fake chill that some fake culture has foisted upon us.

sri 10 years ago

Are you an ISLAND?

When you are non-transcendent, "it's all in your head"... you aren't expressing yourself. In this world of Facebook-expression, of 140 characters, who can't help but feel stifled? If you can't get across to others, you're invisible. And invisibility is no FUN even if you're in some paradise of your own creation. Only through transcendence are we alive.

sri 10 years ago

FUN is the way we extend our trust.

I'd like to think that my smile is an invitation to smile back and enjoy life just a little bit more with you.

sri 10 years ago


This is useful, because when bonds are PERMANENT we can RELY upon them.

When we have FUN with another person we know we can start it up again right. We can do better if we will only try again and keep it up.

Because if you don't try again and keep it up you're not PERMANENT and therefore... you're no FUN.

sri 10 years ago


You may THINK you need money, or time, or luck, or a breakthrough, but what you really need is OTHER PEOPLE, ok? And if you can't get ONE other person, you aren't TRANSCENDING.

sri 10 years ago


Through FUN, we can TRANSCEND, and reach across to others. Because FUN is what we are all after, declaring that something is FUN is the way to go as far as attracting other people.

sri 10 years ago

FUN is your AURA.

You can extend your SELF through the FUN that you "radiate". We can all sense it emanating from you. This book, for instance, is only a part of MY aura... and as it envelops you, and me, it takes on a life of its own, echoing deep inside you and me as we glide to our goals. When our goal is to have more FUN in life together, we've got a conspiracy of FUN that I believe will MAKE FREEDOM MATTER again.

sri 10 years ago


I have lost everything. This indicates that there is a sickness in me. I need to get this sickness out of me in order to move forward in life. While I am feeling sick in the head I do not ask for much out of life. It's all an illusion... the self-talk in our heads can be adjusted by the books we read (and write). So I want to stop losing, and FUN is the cure for me to stop losing. Why? Well if it sells a billion copies because it's seen as vital medical support for good moods and success, then I will be made rich instantly. And that is part of the cure. But more than that? I am sick of losing and I want to win from here on out. And WOULDN'T IT BE FUN TO WIN MY READERS OVER BECAUSE THEY LOVE TO REREAD MY BOOK ALL THE TIME?

sri 10 years ago

what do you mean, FUN?

What you find FUN is unique to you.

I'm implying that to read my book is to get started on a FUN trajectory... after which, just about anything you could possibly do next becomes more FUN, according to you.

Associating the release of dopamine with a given activity that gets you to productivity goals is a good task for linguistic medicine to take on.

sri 10 years ago


FUN is what makes freedom itself matter. Without FUN, that is, without the enjoyment of collaboration, we get a lot less done, and we get a lot less done to our own peril. Because GOOD people need to have MORE FUN, lest EVIL people cackle their way into power.

sri 10 years ago

Maybe you should be having some FUN right now.

This sentence implies a certain ETHICS. That it is ETHICAL to have more fun. It's WRONG to have less FUN, you know? Well, who knows that? Certainly I am making an assertion about the rightness of FUN and you are now going to try that assertion on in your own mind, mirroring that assertion, to see how well it suits you. If you mirror that assertion you say to yourself, "Maybe I should be having some FUN right now." and your brain goes, mmm, yeah, that's correct... that feels good. And then you go ahead and unleash the dopamine in your brain and lo and behold, just by reading the sentence, you're suddenly having more FUN and find yourself in FLOW and creating. So therefore get a notebook and get ready to start having some FUN with ME. Is the message I am implanting in my reader's brain with that one simple sentence. And all of this what I'm doing to that one simple sentence is called deconstruction.. Analysis of the "medical impact" of a sentence is its deconstruction.

sri 10 years ago

is it like electricity?

like you can come up with a phrase, and unleash it on just about anyone, and there will be this electric effect that they can't resist at all? something like Maybe you should be on my side? and they suddenly are converted to your side, no matter where they thought they stood before you said that magic phrase?

sri 10 years ago


Medicine cures sickness. Folks are sick in the head in some way. Rather than taking a pill I want them to be able to just read my book and they'll instantly feel better and have a framework for health upon which they can build a whole new and more effective life.

sri 10 years ago

language and suggestion.

We are so vulnerable to suggestion because all language we hear is repeated to ourselves in our brains.

We must explicitly reject a suggestion in order to resist it... and often this is impossible because we do not apprehend that an alien suggestion is taking place.

sri 10 years ago


sri 9 years ago

we buy what we want and don't have.

I want a donut and I don't have a donut? I will drive down to the store and get one.

I want FUN. I want to create in my reader that "wanting" for FUN. Once my reader wants FUN, then my reader will create a plan to make some FUN happen and go ahead and do it. All I have to do is egg the reader on and they'll do what they plan to do as long as I hold their hand.

sri 10 years ago

I have something you don't have.

I make you want it, and that is why you buy my book, because if you read my book, you will have what I have, and until you have what I have, you are in angst about it. That is how I want my reader to feel about my book... In this book is the key to FUN and you are having NONE.

sri 10 years ago


I'm a Life Coach now. I am here to make important things in your life more FUN. Wouldn't it be FUN to have financial freedom because you paid your bills on time using your Calendar and Reminders properly? Asking that question triggers a FANTASY of a FUTURE where you went ahead and did that... and you FEEL the FREEDOM that would come from doing exactly that, right? You feel it, admit it!

sri 10 years ago

HOW? = problemsolving

If you ask for the seemingly impossible, you have at least bothered to ask.

The difference between those who get amazing things out of life and those who muddle along is probably the decision to bother to ask.

And the followup question once a "Yes" answer is achieved is often HOW?

How will you convert STRESS to GOALS? You will make it FUN.

sri 10 years ago


  • To write a book that sells to the entire Kindle universe because it's that useful, viral, and FUN.
  • To explain the rationale of writing a book so simple-minded on the surface.
  • To build upon NEUROMARKETING.
  • To deliver this book as fast as I can because it'll start selling instantly.
  • To make it easy to launch the book by giving away stickers to anyone who tweets about the book or something (maybe fills out a wufo form?)
sri 10 years ago

That which isn't FUN is STRESS.

We need to define FUN in terms of its opposite. FUN is just a feeling, and the absence of that feeling is feeling STRESS. Some kinds of STRESS are naturally occurring but others are better understood as psychological blocks. FUN can laser these blocks away. FUN can also CONVERT STRESS TO CHALLENGE and get you to solve problems instead of throwing up your hands in despair.

sri 10 years ago

FUN demolishes STRESS.

The second you feel like a situation is FUN, all STRESS is converted into something else... like a powerful energy in a situation, a CHALLENGE to which you must somehow puzzle out a way to RISE to... This is because you can't feel FUN and STRESS at the same time.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

this was a critical pivot!

Really this was a critical pivot because writing the FUN book will be a lot more FUN which means it'll get done faster.

sri 10 years ago



sri 10 years ago

FUN makes it go FASTER.

The magical phrase "Wouldn't it be fun to __"? is the key to making the things you want done go faster and smoother. "Wouldn't it be fun to go back to Peet's and see about getting Kate's number and maybe trying to hang out with her tonight?" That question FORCES the resistant part of your soul to answer up instead of just causing that static-resistance that stops you when you have that opportunity to GO FOR IT.

sri 10 years ago

FUN makes you decide to GO FOR IT.

Life gives all of us opportunities. Often, we fail only because we fail to GO FOR IT.

Sometimes all it takes is a feeling that it might be FUN to TRY... FUN to ASK... FUN to FIGURE IT OUT.

You can FORCE this feeling with a QUESTION. And yes, it's artificial... but it WORKS, because you can't feel FUN and STRESS at the same time.

sri 10 years ago

Wouldn't it be fun to finish this book tonight?

It's short and sweet and you'll want to read it again situationally in the future. That's because you're going to change every single time you re-read this book. The words stay the same eternally but you will come to these words differently when you re-visit them in the future.

sri 10 years ago

how will I finish this book tonight?

  • There are many good solid old notes that could be put into this book and I'd like to SPLICE them in here.
  • I'm going to need a chapter structure that makes sense and METANOTES will help a lot because GOALS from each chapter ought to flow naturally.
sri 10 years ago


Because we don't really believe in the POWER OF FUN we wind up hesitating and he who hesitates is lost. So basically by hesitating about going back to Peet's to see about Kate, I'm reconciling myself to maybe losing her. At the same time I must admit that I'd rather get this book done tonight and get rich off it instead. I think that'd rule.

sri 10 years ago

"not yet"

Why wouldn't it be fun to go see Kate again? Well, I'm in the doghouse here. I'm financially beaten down and if I can deliver a hit book somehow I can fix things for mom and dad. Then I'll be in the clear to date without stress. Right now I am way too STRESSED. And THAT is the opposite of FUN, ok?

sri 10 years ago

homeostasis of FUN

we human beings are self-regulating regarding FUN and we gravitate towards activities that are FUN and away from experiences that are STRESSFUL. when we aren't having enough FUN we tend to take actions in order to get more FUN. Because FUN is QUALITITATIVE and not QUANTITATIVE, what we find FUN is heavily influenced by psychological factors. Society may not understand our idea of FUN because society was not conditioned the same way we were.

sri 10 years ago

Yes it is.

The Opposite of FUN is STRESSED. We stay away from stress of course. And that is why it is VERY IMPORTANT to STICK CLOSE TO WHAT YOU FIND FUN. Because in FUN is SAFETY. You know you can trust that sixth sense of FUN to keep you informed of where your soul needs to go next. You've got to BOND over HAVING FUN or else you're going to lose out on the joy you could be having in your life.

sri 10 years ago

To create FUN, speed things up.

Basically when you make moves to speed things up you make things more challenging for all around you. You've got to keep up the pressure and move faster and speed things up to keep things FUN. Folks who can speed things up can work miracles on any team. And that's because all good teams run on FUN.

sri 10 years ago


We run on FUN. When our FUN gauge is low we get cranky and our engines start seizing up. If we're having FUN things start to flow and we get to our goals, our destinations with a minimum of effort. We can see the future when we are having FUN and that's why this book is here to remind you of that.

sri 10 years ago

To flee from FUN is to slow your life down.

Whenever FUN is available you really ought to go for it because it'll be totally gone by the time you look. You'll have to redouble your efforts if you want to earn it back unless you are wise enough to seize the opportunity for having FUN while it's there in your face next time.

sri 10 years ago

How many around you are running low?

You may have relatives and friends who are obviously running low on the fuel of FUN. It isn't just about leisure time or money in the bank... it's about a smile shared and a bond affirmed between loved ones and the ones you'd like to know a bit better than you do right now.

sri 10 years ago

It doesn't get any easier if you wait.

If you wait to have FUN in life, it doesn't get any easier. If you're lucky you'll have a bit more ledge on which to stand before you jump, that's all. Basically, FUN always requires a leap into the new.

sri 10 years ago