
I punted and now the STRESS begins

It's 8:53 and I didn't want to hustle down to Peets at the last second like a dork. I didn't want to look like a dork right now and I also went with the laziness. I am kicking myself that I wasn't on the ball in the first place. I'm going to see her again and get her number next time because it'll be more natural that way anyway. Still I'm stressed about the fact that I delayed instead of acting immediately and that I didn't go down and connect with her tonight. Well my foot still needs to heal etc.

sri 10 years ago

life is exhausting without progress!

i'm sick of being stuck! this is why i began writing this book, because i wasn't having enough FUN in life. is it time for me to write a book to help millions of readers have more FUN yet??? or am i still out of it, so out of it that when millions of folks feel more stuck than ever i'm still too unfocused to do anything at all but procrastinate on my writing?

sri 10 years ago

Wouldn't it suck to fail to make some progress tonight?

Think of the stress you are going to feel when you are alone tonight without making some progress. You'll have trouble sleeping and you'll wind up agonizing all night because honestly, being stuck and out of your creative loop is a very very deep source of STRESS that you understand that you must address before you can really focus on your goals. Stress sucks the potential for FUN right out of you.

sri 10 years ago


  • To explain how STRESS is the absence of FUN.
  • Because you feel STRESS you are not having FUN and that means you need to take ACTION.
  • Being STRESSED will fuck up your decisions every time.
  • Unless you focus on having FUN, you may take the WRONG action.
sri 10 years ago

Moving these notes to a TANGENT!

This should be a matter of creating a space as a tangent note dragging these notes onto that tangent note suddenly they disappear from here suddenly they populate inside the subspace of that tangent note.

sri 10 years ago

Why can't you make some progress tonight?

Logistically it is possible to do this. Your real friends wouldn't stop you. Spiritually, this book already has turned you on to new potentials, so you can count on it turning you on to them when you see your next move unfolding in your mind's eye. You just want to make some progress so you can swing into tomorrow with momentum, or maybe take some new notes on this book and get a feel for your potential. In fact that's what you want to do is make some progress as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be fun to make some progress tonight? The answer is YES.

Since it would be FUN, you are motivated. Yet you aren't doing it. Therefore the problem must be some kind of deficiency in your ABILITY. Let's analyze that now.

sri 10 years ago

"To create fear, postpone."

The key is that postponing your next move is just creating head static and messing you up. You ought to just roll up your sleeves and make some progress, maybe, because you know this book has been waiting for you here and will be here to egg you on into the future. You know you're available to make some progress tonight if you feel you've got an opportunity to get to one of your goals. You're still not going to do it because you're afraid... afraid of what?

sri 10 years ago


you know it, this is the book you're going to write and release this week...


sri 10 years ago

I need to be able to ____ to make some progress tonight.

  • Settle the butterflies in my stomach.
  • Stay inspired while writing.
  • Get out of my comfort zone.
  • Believe that readers wants me to inspire them.
  • Forget every other goal I was chasing.
  • Forget that I wasted so much time and money on failed efforts.
  • Want a relationship with my readers.
  • Solve the logistics that make it hard to make some progress.
sri 10 years ago

we can eliminate the stress of REGRET with MOVES.

You see, you're regretting not having made enough progress already, because you've postponed having FUN for far too long. Understand that right now it'd still good to have some. Maybe the REGRET you're feeling is about not having made some progress already, in the flow of your first opportunity. So you are so busy kicking yourself about your past oversight error, that you punt on your current opportunity to fix that error with a fast move to make some progress and get closer to your goals by realizing that there is something you could do about them right now... and that you want to make some progress tonight...

sri 10 years ago

Make HER solve the logistics.

As you told Kendra, you suck at logistics. My folks are too conservative to be believed but occasionally we may have the place to ourselves. I'm going to have the bed installed in my room soon so that'll help some.

sri 10 years ago

wouldn't it be FUN to want a relationship?

If I had a relationship with Kate... Wow, I would be so stoked. But where would we hang out? Out on the town is for the birds. Over at her place? What happens when her daddy finds out how old I am?There is a huge logistical problem of where to make it with Kate that is hard to bear at present. Kate needs to really, really like me to defend me as a boyfriend in the event of me needing to meet her dad, you know. Maybe we should elope, you see? I've got to really think about it because dating Kate would be a dream come true and I don't know how to move forward after getting her number at all with me not having a place to be alone with her over here... it's quite awkward. maybe I can take her to see a movie or something? i want to make out with her at her place and get naked and fuck her at her place but she certainly lives with her mom and dad. maybe she needs to be able to text me to come over when she's got the place to herself? i don't know how that'd work. it's logistically complex and it feels impossible to have a relationship at the current juncture. therefore i must earn enough money to rent a place from this book, which is the only low hanging fruit of money in my life right now... We shall see if it sells but this sure is motivating because if I can get Kate if I finish this book it'll be because I have made a jackpot and that means I'll have a place of my own soon enough... AAAA. how to want a relationship while living with mom and dad? how awkward. hilarious. that said i would never have met her so radly if it weren't for sweet angry dad.

sri 10 years ago

there'll never be an easier time?

i am nervous but it's true that if you wait until tomorrow or day after or day after that, are you giving her a CD? are you giving her your card? what's up with that man? why not hustle down there and give her a CD and see what happens?

sri 10 years ago

You're SHY.

You don't have a POLICY so you are SHY. It's my POLICY to give a CD to a cute girl who seems to want me to like her... It's my POLICY to avoid punting on these opportunities by getting her number at least and you really need to get her number on the first try or else you look desperate. So it's OK to punt tonight but what is the goal of punting? Some kind of stress relief? hardly. you'll eat yourself up over this fumble all night. and then tomorrow when you're bored, or when you go down to Peets and don't see her, you'll be like, shit, she's got the day off, she could be hanging out with ME...

sri 10 years ago


That's the counter command to "being too shy". Because if nothing happens, you have lost zero. And if something happens you win the world dude.

sri 10 years ago

every day I'm worse off.

i think about how fat and old i am in the aftermath of a whiffed opportunity. i anticipate how good it'll be without actually making any moves.

all i can do in the interim is create fear. That's all that you do by hesitating and procrastinating. No reason to create any more fear. Indeed if you move fast you get quick goals and the second you get some goals wow, you feel the fun and the magic. THE MAGIC IS DOING IT NOW AND ECKHARDT TOLLE IS CORRECT NOW IS POWER.

sri 10 years ago

i could be texting her now.

i could be like, hey kate what are you up to? want me to come over? then i could go over and see her instead of sleeping alone. it's 7:24pm and the perfect time to go to peet's again and see if she's there but i could also wait until this week is underway. do i want to make some progress tonight or not? seriously.

sri 10 years ago