
Acupuncturist in India

Looking for an acupuncturist in India? Contact Dr. Lohiya Acupuncture Treatment & Research Center and book an appointment for the professional acupuncturist in India. Dr. Lohiya Acupuncture Treatment & Research Center is a holistic medicine center, offering acupuncture treatment for patients with chronic long term conditions. Our acupuncturists use the latest technology in acupuncture combining western and eastern medicine to help you achieve the maximum potential relief from your disease.For more information visit us at http://www.acupunctureindia.org/train.html

drlohiya 9 years ago

Acupuncture Treatment for Slip Disc

Want freedom from the invisible disability and pain due to slip disc? Then, come at Dr. Lohiya Acupuncture Treatment & Research Centre for acupuncture treatment and get your life back on the track. We offer an in-depth, holistic approach to patient care, which includes not just medication, but also psychological, behavioral and rehabilitative care. www.acupunctureindia.org/rare.html

drlohiya 8 years ago

Acupuncture Heals Incurable Disorders

Visit our acupuncture treatment and consultation centre in Delhi and Mumbai for healing incurable disorder like cirrhosis of liver, retinitis pigmentosa, myopathy and other incurable disorders. For more information visit us at acupunctureindia.org http://drlohiya.deviantart.com/art/Acupuncture-Treatment-Clinic-664014656?ga_submit_new=10%3A1487306398

drlohiya 8 years ago