
LUCK is invisible

The brain does not need to initiate changes and often does not even notice them. If you change your life around this book you will not remember that you did so consciously unless you write it down on your calendar with a timestamp and even then you’ll just live in a brand new reality, appreciating a brand new level of success because you simply see more LUCK to be had after reading this book.

sri 10 years ago


You can put on an AURA of LUCK as if it were your favorite bathrobe. This AURA of LUCK is just a way of extending your LUCK outside of your body. If you have the time try sending your AURA of LUCK out around the room and have it come back to you. This behavior makes you FEEL LUCK and underscores the invisible nature of LUCK.

sri 10 years ago

Kinaesthetic Elevation

What you are after is a kinaesthetic movement metaphor to guide your chapter titles. Step 1 instead of chapter 1 is what I’m after sort of. Each chapter is a step makes it feel like you’re walking towards LUCK over the book. How about taking a flight? Hm, not that interesting. What’s something that happens sequentially? An elevator. This is the elevator to LUCK and it’s going UP. Ground floor is the introduction. First floor is bringing LUCK into consciousness, second floor is balancing your soul and your body with your mind, third floor is your LUCKglasses so you can scan the scene with your soul, fourth floor is the DUTY of URGE EXPERIENCE in others to get them to want your LUCK in their lives etc. So that’s internal though, that’s a great model for me to use in revision… the elevator to LUCK. The big skyscraper of LUCK that is LUCK all the way up… MY DENTIST ON THE 17th FLOOR. So the first floor is the lobby and that’s where you must wind up again at the end, ok? That’s the deal.

sri 10 years ago


Let me suggest that you have a DUTY to GET LUCK.

sri 10 years ago


  1. WISH
  2. HELP
  3. FOCUS
  4. FEEL
  6. TIME
  7. ASK
  8. REAL
  9. PATH
  10. OPEN
  12. NEED
  13. MOVE
  14. LUCK
  15. CODE
  16. IDEA
  17. TRUTH
  18. HAPPY
  19. DUTY
  21. URGE
  22. GET
  23. BEHAVE
  24. ABLE
sri 10 years ago


Well if it's invisible, how do you know it's there? You SAY you see it, and if someone else sees it TOO, guess what, for all intents and purposes, it's THERE. When we agree that we FEEL something, we begin to act as if it's there, and that sync of our activity makes it COME ABOUT.

sri 10 years ago


It's so easy to mistake the two, and it's important to be clear about this...

We all live in a world fraught with RISK. However, when you make a move that may or may not work out exactly as you planned it, those are ODDS. Stop treating the possibility of failure as if it's some catastrophe. It'd just be an experiment that didn't work out and one that you can adjust when you do your next one. You don't fear the ODDS, you work with them to improve them over time.

sri 10 years ago

Insight is Sixth Sight.

You need to see with your physical eyes so how do you sense with your sixth sense? Maybe we can use INSIGHT to describe this interior "sight".

When you think of your WISH you might close your eyes and detach completely into the world where that WISH came TRUE. How can we see when we close our eyes? That's INSIGHT.

sri 10 years ago


LUCK is the title of the movie you are living every day and I want to play a role in that movie you're running in your head.

I wish that you can project your own LUCK onto the blank movie screen created by this book.

sri 10 years ago

Luck is Kinaesthetic.

You can't see luck, or hear it, or taste it or smell it or touch it.

You can only FEEL LUCKY. Right?


sri 10 years ago

I need LUCK.

I wish there were a book that I could read that achieved LUCK for me upon reading it whether I did any exercises with it or not.

sri 10 years ago


We couldn't go another moment without LUCK. We are our LUCK. When we address each other on a LUCK level it's clear that we are all equals when it comes to LUCK. LUCK is what we create when we really FEEL one another.

sri 10 years ago

Only LUCK gets your WISH.

How can we FEEL in CONTROL of our LUCK? Maybe we can clearly communicate about LUCK in order to get 10% more LUCKY. Now, folks don't always want to hear about your LUCK but they're interested in your WISH because it might teach them about a WISH they haven't thought to make so far. WE ALL NEED IDEAS FOR NEW WISHES. .

sri 10 years ago


LUCK lets you construct the moment if you have the ability to URGE. I use electric sentences which connect with readers as if we are two nodes with a current between us. LUCK inhabits the spaces between us, and we can both fill those spaces in if we see LUCK to be had. Because LUCK is about blank spaces that you readers fill in, not just me talking to the ether.

The idea of what would be LUCK is agreed upon whenever two of us FOCUS on something together. The more you know what another person thinks of as LUCK, the easier it is for you to unleash it.

sri 10 years ago


When you feel LUCK you feel in CONTROL of events. Folks trust you more because of this FEEL of CONTROL. The more you TRUST your LUCK the more others trust it as well.

sri 10 years ago

You can't resist LUCK.

The truth is that if I declare that I feel luck right now that you can't resist feeling luck along with me. Luck is like this harmonic resonance frequency and we begin to vibrate together. This kind of communion puts you and me into a trance of connection and it's up to one of us to begin the connection and make the WISH... it's up to the other to agree on that WISH and see if it can't be quickly made REAL.

sri 10 years ago

Destination: HAPPINESS.

You act more LUCKY when you feel HAPPY. That's why I want my words to make you feel HAPPY right now, because I feel that's the best way to make ANY move... with a smile on your face :D

sri 10 years ago

What if your WISH came true?

What would that FEEL like, do you think? Would you feel LUCK if your WISH came true?

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago


When you can FOCUS on LUCK you can amplify your LUCK because whatever you FOCUS on becomes "larger" in your LUCK. Naturally, reading a book about LUCK helps you FOCUS on LUCK.

sri 10 years ago


It's who I am as a person... I am a very very LUCKY person. I am so grateful to that LUCK that I need to write about that topic first, just to be appropriately thankful.

I don't thank "skill" or "education" for my current happiness. I thank LUCK. I thank the LUCK and I know that LUCK is social which means that I need to thank the LUCK inside YOU, as well.

I know that I should write about LUCk, and that word, SHOULD, means something. It means that "writing about LUCK" is an element of my personal IDENTITY, that I'd be excited to get known worldwide for spreading the LUCK that I feel to as many folks as I can.

So statements that have the word SHOULD in them specifically relate to our IDENTITY. So "we should get together" is a FEELER that you can put out to others to see if a connection is possible. And "I should do something to fix this culture fast" is a statement of MY personal identity.

sri 10 years ago

We always do what we NEED to do.

When we FEEL NEED we always do the first thing that comes to mind. If I suggest to you something to do the second after I highlight a NEED to you then you will probably do that thing. So you ask, "Do you NEED LUCK? Well how about you read this book and learn how to get some?"

sri 10 years ago


Write a book that makes the reader at least 10% more lucky.

sri 10 years ago

Your luck contains all your wishes.


sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

the WISH.

How can you be lucky without starting with a WISH? The WISH is the Alpha and the Omega because without a Wish to get to your goal, you never get started in the first place.

sri 10 years ago


I want the reader to emerge from reading my book feeling luckier than before because I think real growth comes from taking smart chances.

sri 10 years ago


To get LUCKy, just make more WISHes.

sri 10 years ago

Folks who don't "get" LUCK.

LUCK folks can be difficult to understand by squares. It’s easy to fascinate when you’re having LUCK. Voice tone changes gradually and continuously along a spectrum and LUCK is like that, a voice you follow over time that shifts around as things shift. When we’re attuned to LUCK, LUCK overwrites all fears and lack of trust.

sri 10 years ago


Sometimes we don't do what we SHOULD. This is what a book I can write can do for the reader, to "get the reader moving" like a good DJ can. This is the NEED that I personally feel, the NEED to get the reader feeling what I am feeling... which is LUCKY.

sri 10 years ago


It's probably a good idea to SHARE the WISH you make with someone who might be able to make it come true, because what if they are into the idea?

sri 10 years ago


Maybe all I need to URGE is that you act on what you FEEL a little faster... let's say 10% faster?

sri 10 years ago

Only originality is lucky.

We can only get lucky when what we wish is iconoclastic. An iconoclastic wish is something only you probably desire to happen, making it like a sculpture... something original carved out of undifferentiated rock into something beautiful.

sri 10 years ago


What you SHOULD do is a DUTY. You are probably neglecting some DUTY that if done would improve your LUCK. We ought to FEEL for that DUTY and make it a new priority, right?

sri 10 years ago

LUCK tests your imagination.

It's a lot easier to get what you wish for when nobody else is WISHING for that. You get luckier when you WISH with more originality, and that takes BRAINSTORMING.

sri 10 years ago

A physical book.

An actual BOOK, with LUCK as the cover. Hm. That could be the way to actually get this LUCK in people's hands, literally. Open up LUCK in public if you want to remember how to get LUCK when you most need it.

sri 10 years ago

I am my reader.

I am urging my own LUCK along with yours. I will be reading and re-reading these words before publishing them and I expect to become luckier and luckier through the process.

sri 10 years ago


...and that's why each of the ideas in this book is formatted with a quick headline and then a body in which I flesh out the idea. I want you, my reader, to be ABLE to absorb and actually ACT on the intuitions this book has been designed to unlock within your LUCK.

sri 10 years ago

See What Happens.

A feel for LUCK lets you take what others may perceive as risks, but you see as merely ODDS.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago

I have a DUTY to complete this book.

You are experiencing the result of what happens when a human being takes their LUCK in their own hands and does their DUTY first. I have decided that the LUCK that I want is simply what I once had... that is to say, SALES.

sri 10 years ago

LUCK is "attraction".

Folks always find you when you can create LUCK.

LUCK is the law of attraction. I wonder if you realize how much LUCK you are. You can signal yourself to go out hunting for MORE LUCK when you walk out the door. This is the disintermediating stimulus. When your soul is having LUCK your mind can RELAX and ENJOY. You can remember stuff you think of by taking notes in your LUCK notebook.

Your goal will be to remember this book when you are on stage and the only way to do that is total gratitutude - to this book, to the moment, to your own potential. I’m having so much LUCK writing this so I’m an authority.

To be honest I want to make a dollar having LUCK so join my cone of abundance!

sri 10 years ago

LUCK never gets old

When I look back on notes I took through older attempts to gain more LUCK, I can instantly relate.

sri 10 years ago


LUCK is that which echoes eternally. Pain ebbs away as you think about LUCK; that’s the way the soul works. You’re in a state where you want to learn from your experiences and opportunities. The brain is the seed of science but when you read from the GOAL not just from the MOOD the ideas get implemented smoothly and naturally because your soul will do its best to get your brain to love it for having accomplished the things the brain lists out for it to gain. The soul is a happy puppy dog that the brain can pet for having survived on this earth for so long, so well. Appreciate your soul for what it has brought into your world. Be grateful for your soul, for your potential; without potential what is the point of waking up? Duty only. Duty without potential becomes a grind. Open up a can of LUCK and spray it on everything boring in your life. It’s like UBIK.

sri 10 years ago

Language as CONTROL-FEEL.

Language is the most efficient CONTROL. I’m going to extend this cone of abundance to help you overcome problems and free your internal assets. Free your assets and your MOOD will follow. Because I’m the author who wants to observe your behavior most send me your love. You’ll pay me extra for having LUCK. I’m going to make this one three letter word do a lot of work because I believe LUCK can help you create more meaning in life.

sri 10 years ago

Will you read my book about LUCK?

I’ve discovered this amazing four letter word.

LUCK lets you give commands because it’s an endless justification. You don’t have to close your eyes to have LUCK. LUCK is a trance and we entrance the whole world.

sri 10 years ago

Out of your comfort zone, NOW!

LUCK is the joy of failing until you GET. If you are afraid of setbacks you will never get LUCK because you will never WISH. You must fantasize about setbacks turning into successes. You must dream about making it without fearing you’ll blow it. Each spot of weakness in your LUCK is now a opportunity to suddenly gain strength. Every reader who gets excited from reading my book can build a path to get LUCK this week. But only if I explicitly build that pathway in my book. It’s fascinating that’s just like architecture or transportational design. If that’s the case then I should be building LUCK CITY in the minds of my readers, street by street, basically. Like each chapter is a metropolis in LUCKLAND. Disneyland is a model for that.

If you want LUCK then you should egg your LUCK on. Your LUCK is like a blank canvas on which you can paint your PATH. I want to get the knots out of your back by letting you stretch your LUCK today.

LUCK is the medium that provides the massage. Anybody who’s lucky enough to read this book is LUCK enough to send me a little WISH of LUCK, too.

Pick an appropriate experience that would be a LUCK experiment and then try it. Now do a mission report and tweet it out with the hashtag #LUCK.

When you fill in the blanks I leave here, we are in sync. We share the credit for starting the LUCK process. Obviously, LUCK can always be improved by asking someone to HELP. It’s really good to see how dedicated you are to improving your LUCK.

sri 10 years ago


I write from the perspective of a person with a GOAL so I urge you to read from your perspective regarding your OWN goal. Your MOOD is the editor and the GOAL is the topic. The MOOD cooperates and responds letting the GOAL tell you what to URGE next.

sri 10 years ago


We get little training in using our unique internal abilities. LUCK changes that because your unique abilities are what give you the ability to unlock unique futures for yourself and others. Unique futures tend to be LUCK futures when we deliberately choose them with our minds. We puzzle out the logic that would achieve the LUCK outcome we can’t get out of our souls. So remind your soul about what you want and your soul will find a way to get it faster than you could with a stupid job, ok? When you give your goal away and sell your goal out you stop having LUCK. Indeed because most people are dead in the goal when you make them your robots you’re giving them a huge leg up in life. They were dead before now they are robots someday they will be people too.

sri 10 years ago

LUCK at your GOAL

Total gratitude to the moment means you are bursting with potential for the next moment that you shape. You prefer the future you find LUCK. If I can make $5 with LUCK hopefully that’s a nice example for you. Look at your soul! List out exactly what you would find most LUCK to do and realize those are your priorities and your to do list. If having sex with me is what you want then it’ll be easy and natural for your GOAL to motivate you to set that up.

sri 10 years ago

Write MOOD to control MOOD.

The more you write the more you control. You can read each word of this over and over again and get something new each time because your experiences will unlock more LUCK in the future. Holding on to LUCK you can travel to the future and the past and across the FLUX of other folks’ LUCK-senses and into other possibilities-for-the-future. This is the antidote to the MATRIX. I don’t need to know what you want - all I know is it will be a lot more LUCK for you to get there after reading this because I’m reading this too and I’m having LUCK writing this and if LUCK is contagious, you’re going to want to read this whenever you feel stuck. I’m reading this along with you. I’m writing this book for myself too of course!

sri 10 years ago

Let me tell you a story.

The phrase "Once upon a time" locates you in astral time. LUCK builds up your reflexes to be faster and that is TIME TRAVEL because reflexes are built on TIME TRAVEL so LUCK is a reflex that says: hey, that’s the future, grab it! You aren’t having LUCK if others around you aren’t having LUCK so you have to train others to maximize their OWN LUCK and they’ll send you LUCK. Or just give them pleasure and they’ll respect your LUCK.

sri 10 years ago

My DUTY to teach LUCK

I am here to train you to have LUCK. Most of your soul is unconscious unless you consciously bring it out. Recover and explore your GOAL, your unique assets. Share them with me. Without LUCK you run out of steam and become stuck. LUCK is what you must find. LUCK offers an opportunity to resolve the problem because it bypasses the mind and makes your assets work on your real issues.

sri 10 years ago


Ask me if I can help improve your LUCK. It’s well-known that individuals can read books and make changes when they emerge with a plan and the motivation to get started immediately and persist until one after another achievement and improvement is made in their lives according to the guidance of the book.

sri 10 years ago

Assume folks like LUCK.

I’m going to take it for granted that you want more LUCK in your life. Your dedication to having LUCK is what will get you LUCK and you’ll find that LUCK is the gateway to everything else that you could possibly want. LUCK is better than money because LUCK can spawn money; indeed sales are never made unless the buyer finds it LUCK to own and use what the seller found it LUCK to create and distribute. I can help you gain new abilities, one by one, to build a beautiful stained glass window of skill. Others will want to look through it.

sri 10 years ago


The LUCK plane is the FLUX: everybody’s crossing intentions which can harmonize through LUCK vectors. As white as a sheet, as pretty as a picture: activates the soul’s search for meaning and resources. Even before they read the book they are affected by the three letter word that fixes everything. After we read this book we are teammates. In teams is key. That’s peoplemath.

The FLUX is all of our LUCKS merging and sparring on the LUCK PLANE.

sri 10 years ago

the FEEL of LUCK

Reading this book lets you sit down with a feeling of ease and comfort because your understanding of the potential of LUCK is growing almost no matter what I say. Each time you want a new breakthrough happen you can use this book.

sri 10 years ago


You get incredible EXPERIENCE out of thinking about the what if you got your WISH. So you’ve gotta create JOY URGES - channels for you and others to FEEL the EXPERIENCE that communicating with your LUCK might offer. So speak from your LUCK. Make it easy for folks to feel EXPERIENCE when you are having LUCK and they’ll flock to you because nobody can resist EXPERIENCE.

sri 10 years ago

Your PATH.

The PATH is holistic and intuitive and responds to getting things done when the brain can communicate to the horse immediately. You can have LUCK easily with this book if you are relaxing on a chair on a lazy Sunday. LUCK gives you an ability. You can have LUCK, right? THis gives them permission without forcing any action.

sri 10 years ago

How can LUCK be contagious?

First I know you’re having LUCK right now because I’m telling you to have LUCK and LUCK is contagious and I’m feeling it as a reader myself so you probably are. NOw I want to look at how important it is for you to rearrange your universe to make LUCK more possible, more prominent. ONly real LUCK will get the attention of those you want. DO a contest where if you send me something LUCK you will get some tiny prize that’d be great. Readers are in trance and will see my stickers as the golden ticket.

sri 10 years ago


It’ll be LUCK to work with you. Your unconscious soul gets explored and recovered as you think about LUCK. This book accesses your assets to share with me. Without LUCK you will run out of steam and become stuck. You need one more chance to fix this and LUCK is what you haven’t tried yet. The brain won’t even notice that you have changed, it’ll just help you get to what you FEEL you deserve. We both deserve LUCK.

sri 10 years ago


When we merge our LUCK as one, we approach a symbiosis where we are part of one unified being. We are BUILT TO BOND and LUCK is the invitation.

sri 10 years ago


Can you understand how spending some TIME with LUCK as your FOCUS with this book puts you deeper into a feeling of having LUCK right now? With this book you can have LUCK in any situation. Situations with zero PATH relevance require you to make a MOOD within a PATH within a HELP within a WISH within an URGE. My WISH is to spread JOY so LUCK is my way there.

sri 10 years ago