
I wish I were done soon

I can't wait for this book to be done. I'm so excited. I just want to start selling it because LUCK is worth selling, as far as I am concerned. I am not yet having FUN but I am, as we all are, LUCKY. That is true even if I have had setbacks.

I wish all of the ideas I had while reading this last month's worth of books were synthesized into a book that I could sell to inspire folks to wish more. Because if folks wished more we could have a cool culture again maybe. Because I should have wished much more in my life and I regret it. Because if I am ever going to begin wishing I want to start by wishing for success, which means creating something folks pay for and spread and love and recommend.

sri 10 years ago


How can I get my ideas out of notes and old books and into MY needed book?

sri 10 years ago

It is my DUTY.

Nobody else can get these ideas out to folks. Folks don't read old books like I do. These old books I'm finding are like archaeology. It's digging through old genius books that nobody will ever do again.

If I don't write my book, NOBODY WILL.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago


You're going to have to spend many hours re-reading each of the books and typing up the ideas they spawn within you. You're going to have to spend many hours bursting your Clear notes into coherent sentences and then making sure they make sense as a whole.

sri 10 years ago

If my book is never written...

...then all those ideas will never be articulated and they could really HELP people. They could really help ME. And that's really why I have a DUTY. It's because I was ignorant and I remain ignorant until I am really using what I have now lucked into learning.

sri 10 years ago

I sell LUCK and I get to eat.

This is my JOB. I'm an AUTHOR. I am here to create a book that SELLS and I wish it to SELL because it's REALLY HELPFUL.


sri 10 years ago

I love the chair

The ergonomic chair is the first indication that I am ready to sit here and write this up at long last. I feel lucky.

sri 10 years ago

Ergonomics break


And get your glasses out of the car so you don't have to squint...

Glasses = Writing, OK?


sri 10 years ago

nirvana lyric

"It is now my duty to completely drain you.

I love that line.

It's my DUTY to teach what I FEEL to everyone I know. Because how else can I add value to the world through writing? Being an interesting person is non-transcendent. Having cool stuff is boring. You can't take it with you, and anyway, who cares? What I want to do is really connect with a reader and make that reader LUCKY.

sri 10 years ago

i designed this

what if this name were available?

a holding company for tinyvox and metanotes etc?

sri 10 years ago