
This work alright.


wtf 10 years ago

Data Models

Stop complecting your data with your views. Duh!

If you can't use your model independently of your view...

If you can't put all kinds of views on one model....


wtf 10 years ago


but still alive

wtf 10 years ago

user discovery

how will people find each other?

wtf 10 years ago

I guess this works.

This could be interesting.

wtf 10 years ago

Data Models with Datomic

Schema design with Datomic is something I would like to know more about.

  • I know Datomic stores facts.
  • I know that Datomic only appends and never deletes.
  • Facts are overridden or retracted by new Facts

That's novel (literally). Datomic is a record of novelty.

I just wish I had a better understanding of the "shape" of data that is stored within Datomic.

It seems like the holy grail of database programming to me.

It seems to have a very expressive query system while allowing the storage of quite arbitrary data (but it's not totally arbitrary, because it has the concept of a schema).

wtf 10 years ago


How am I going to make this mobile stuff work?

  • Lists.... I need to show lists of pages and lists of "notes".
wtf 10 years ago

Datomic Schemas vs SQL Schemas

How are they alike?

How do they differ?

The tutorial has clues.

wtf 10 years ago